Category: Beverages
Vegan Frozen Coconut Whipped Cream Dollops, the Gluten-Free Way to Make Your Hot Chocolate Exciting
What is better than delicious, creamy vegan whipped cream? Delicious, creamy vegan whipped cream frozen dollops! Make these ahead of time to keep in your freezer, and whip them out the next time you make hot chocolate, coffee, tea, or any other warm beverage that you want to enhance with a little creamy deliciousness!
National Celiac Awareness Month, Day 27: Vegan, Gluten-Free Lavender Lemonade and New Uses for Ice Cube Trays – Vegan AIP Friendly
We wanted to bring you both a recipe and some of our favorite quick kitchen tips for National Celiac Awareness Month. This article centers around ice cube trays; a long underused kitchen tool.
National Celiac Awareness Month, Day 25: Vegan Gluten-Free Feel Better Allergy Tea
Doesn’t it figure that National Celiac Awareness Month coincides with allergy season? It seems the perfect fit, really. For those of us who are allergic to gluten we get to deal with both internal and external allergies! Well those allergies have hit us particularly hard and we have been walking around in an allergy-induced haze; fogginess, coughing, wheezing. It is the season for general discomfort! In scouring the Internet for ways to manage allergy symptoms naturally we were overwhelmed with all of the different remedies out there.
National Celiac Awareness Month, Day 8: Vegan, Gluten-Free Ginger Ale (Alua de Milho)
We thought a fun way to celebrate National Celiac Awareness Month would be to include a delicious drink! While many beverages are gluten-free, they are often made with white sugar, which is usually not vegan. For a little exotic flare, we turned to one of our favorite Brazilian cookbooks, Brazil: A Culinary Journey. This drink, called Alua de Milho in Brazil, is very similar to what we call ginger ale in America. Made with simple ingredients, you can easily cut this recipe in half if you want to make a little less.
Kids’ Week: Delicious Vegan, Gluten-Free Kids’ Drinks
We are closing out kid’s week here at the Happy Gluten Free Vegan, and we decided to devote today’s post to drinks! Delicious beverages are a great way to give your child a treat outside of water, juice and soy milk. Treating them does not have to mean filling up on sugar and high fructose corn syrup-laden sodas and fruit beverages! Even so-called juices contain surprising ingredients. Next time you are at the supermarket, take a moment to look at the labels on juice bottles; some of the juices that call themselves “natural” are still full of sugar. They often try to make it sound nicer by calling it “pure cane sugar”, but a rose by any other name is still a rose!
Gluten-Free, Vegan Starbucks Strawberries and Creme Frappuccino Copycat
We were disgusted to learn that the Starbucks Strawberries and Creme frappuccino contains bugs! Yuck! While Starbucks has thankfully announced that they are going to phase out the beetle usage, in favor of tomato-derived lycopene extract, it was a great reminder to us that sometimes it is just better to make treats yourself so that you can control what goes into them.
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with These Gluten-Free Vegan Versions of Traditional St. Paddy’s Day Food and Green Beer!
Wondering how to have a gluten-free vegan St. Patrick’s Day without sacrificing traditional flavors or green beer? Just because you are vegan and gluten-free does not mean that you can’t join in on the festivities! We have assembled the perfect gluten-free vegan beers and suggested awesome gluten-free vegan food pairings to go with them. Before we go any further, what could be more traditional than corned beef hash for St. Patrick’s day brunch? So you will want to bookmark our recipe for Gluten-Free Vegan Corned Beef Hash!