Donate to Support and Show Your Appreciation for the Vegan Instant Pot Recipes & Tips Facebook Group

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First, thank you for visiting this page! If you are reading this, then you are likely a member of the Vegan Instant Pot Recipes & Tips group on Facebook, and we thank you so much for being part of this amazing group! It’s rare to see a group of people, of any size, that is *so* friendly, helpful, and giving of their time, wisdom, and experience – thank you!

We work hard to help keep it that way. Large groups are a big target for spammers and individuals with an agenda, people who think that everybody needs to hear their opinion on, well, everything. Every day we block new spammers, deal with removing rude comments, block people who violate the rules, take abuse from those people (don’t ask us how many times we’ve been told to go f*ck ourselves!), and generally try to keep the group on course. As you might imagine, moderating a group of nearly 30,000 vegans takes a lot of time and effort.

If you’d like to contribute to boosting our moral (like buying us a virtual latte! :~) ), we would appreciate it so much! You can contribute here:

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