If you are trying to figure out how to find out if your Costco has something in stock, we’re here to tell you! It would be nice if you could check Costco inventory online, like with an in-store items search, and while you can’t do that, exactly, there are ways to find out if your Costco has something that you want before you make a trip or place a delivery order.
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One of the things that we do here at the Happy Gluten-Free Vegan is sponsor and run the Vegan Costco group on Facebook, and this question gets asked a lot. Any time someone shares a fun new vegan find people across the U.S. (and in Canada and elsewhere, too!) want to know whether their local Costco has that cool vegan find too. Here’s how to find out.
How to Check if an Item is Available at Your Local Costco Store
There are 3 basic ways that you can check to see if your local Costco has a particular item in stock: you can check on the Costco website or the Costco mobile app, you can check on Instacart (either the Instacart website or using the mobile app), and you can call your local Costco (really!)
How to Check the Costco Website or Costco App to See if an Item is In Stock
It used to be that when you went to the Costco website the only option was placing an order to have items shipped to you. But that is no longer the case; Costco has teamed up with Instacart so that you can place “same day” orders right through the Costco website. To get to this option you just have to go to sameday.Costco.com in your browser, or to open the Costco app on your phone and click on ‘Same Day’
Thank you! ❤️
*Receipts will come from ISIPP.
Same Day section in the Costco app
Note: Be sure that you have selected your local Costco warehouse as your location.
Once you are in the ‘Same Day’ section, just search for what you want, and if your Costco has it the item will show up as available to put in your cart. While you are at it, make a note of the item number in case you want to call other Costcos to ask if they have the item.
That said, if you are going to order it for same day delivery, check in the Instacart app first; although we find it very counter-intuitive, generally speaking the prices for ‘same day’ through the Costco site are significantly higher than for the same item through Instacart even though ‘same day’ Costco is delivered by Instacart!
The Costco same-day delivery section includes the item number
but charges more than Instacart for the same item
How to Check if Your Costco Has Something in Stock Using Instacart
If you use the Instacart app you may not realize that you can also use your browser on the Instacart website, at Instacart.com. Many people find using Instacart on their computer with a browser easier than using the app on their phone. Either way, once choosing Costco as the store from which you want your Instacart delivery, you can simply search for the item to see if they have it in stock. That said, Instacart doesn’t give you the item numbers, while searching on Costco does. And the next method is the reason that you want the item number.
Calling Your Local Costco Store
The most direct way of determining whether something is in stock at your local Costco is by picking up the phone and calling them. They really don’t mind! In fact they would rather have you call and check than have you come to the store and be grumpy because you couldn’t find the item you wanted. You can find the phone number for your local Costco using the Costco warehouse locater.
When calling, it helps to be prepared with the item number of the item you want; giving them the item number helps to assure that you will get the most accurate answer as to whether or not they have it in stock.
All this said, none of these methods guarantee that they will actually have the item in stock when you get to the store or place your order. However, of the three, if you are able to give them the item number, then calling is generally the most reliable.
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