How to Do Vegan AIP – Following the Autoimmune and Anti-Inflammatory Protocol Diet as a Vegan

How to Do Vegan AIP - Following the Autoimmune and Anti-Inflammatory Protocol Diet as a Vegan
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So you’re a vegan or vegetarian, and have been told or decided that you have to (or should) follow the AIP diet. Of course the standard AIP (which stands for autoimmune protocol or anti-inflammatory protocol, depending on who you talk to) diet includes meat and fish. Because the AIP diet removes so many things, including all grains, nuts, seeds and legumes – all staples of a vegan diet – it can make it pretty challenging to do a vegan version of the AIP diet. Challenging, but not impossible. Challenging but not necessarily in a bad way – in fact it can be challenging in a fun way!

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The autoimmune protocol (AIP) diet was originally advocated for by medical biophysicist Dr. Sarah Ballatyne. Based on, but more comprehensive than, the paleo diet, Dr. Ballantyne was able to treat her own autoimmune diseases, and has since become an advocate for and a recognized expert on the Autoimmune Protocol Diet. She has an excellent explanation of both autoimmune disease, and the AIP, here.

What Dr. Ballantyne’s site doesn’t do, and what all of the other popular sites that talk about the AIP diet don’t do, is provide information for vegetarians and vegans who want or need to do a vegan AIP diet.

And that’s why we decided to put together some vegan AIP resources for you (and ourselves). We have a list of foods that you can eat while doing vegan AIP, as well as a list of food to avoid while doing vegan AIP.

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We also have many easy, vegan AIP-friendly recipes.

Some of our favorite foods to eat while following the vegan AIP diet include sweet potatoes, avocados, mushrooms, and coconut (including coconut pieces, coconut oil, and our easy 2-ingredient homemade coconut milk). In fact, as we mention over here, we love taking riced cauliflower and simmering it in some of that homemade coconut milk, and seasoning it with salt and black pepper (one of the first re-intro spices); it’s soooo good!

Of course, we don’t always make everything from scratch, although we do make a great deal from scratch. For example, we love this cassava flatbread, which we use to make vegan AIP-friendly avocado toast!

But enough about us. If you’d like, share with us why you are looking into or already doing the vegan AIP diet, and what your experience of the vegan AIP diet has been so far. If you have a great resource or recipe that you’d like to share with us, please do that too (there is a comment section below just for that very reason)!

 The Happy Gluten-Free Vegan is always free, with no annoying ads or video pops, but it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep it going (over 12 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are VERY appreciated. Receipts will come from ISIPP.

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9 thoughts on “How to Do Vegan AIP – Following the Autoimmune and Anti-Inflammatory Protocol Diet as a Vegan

  1. Things I allow myself even though they are not on the AIP diet are 2 TBS ground flaxseed per day. 2 TBS Hemp protein per day. One brazil nut per day, and one TBS Maca Powder per day. Being that I can’t tolerate avocado’s for gallbladder reasons, I have to include other sources of healthy fats. I am not a big fan of using oils, but I will use coconut or olive oil if needed, just not routinely. I already know I am not sensitive to these things. I am not sensitive to organic tofu or tempeh either.

  2. It’s even tougher when you don’t tolerate coconut or cauliflower, and Black pepper is excluded on AIP

    1. Wow, no coconut or cauliflower is tough! And yes, strictly speaking black pepper is not AIP, it is one of the first spices to reintro however – we have updated the article to clarify this, thank you!

  3. Hello, I am looking for Vegan AIP Food plan to follow. I will be starting the AIP diet tomorrow for inflammatory issues most likely related to food, so I decided to go all the way and finally go vegan. However, I am struggling with how to put the foods together to be sure that I am getting enough protein.
    Thank you for your suggestions.

    1. Hi Rachel, it’s not easy to do a full AIP and also be vegan, especially when it comes to protein. We’ve found hemp tofu, and pure hemp protein powder to be the easiest way to incorporate protein into your AIP diet. Hemp tofu is available at many health food stores. The pure hemp protein powder is available both at health food stores and online at places like Amazon.

      1. That is true, however they are still better than soy, and when trying to adhere to such a very restrictive diet, one has to make some choices.

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