There are lots of brands of vegan mozzarella cheese out there, and even more recipes for vegan mozzarella cheese. But what if you want to make your own vegan mozzarella, and also want it to be a fast and easy recipe to make that vegan (and of course gluten-free) vegan mozzarella? If that’s the case, we have you covered!
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Now, of course, as it’s vegan, this isn’t going to taste exactly like dairy mozzarella – no vegan mozzarella does (for that matter no vegan cheese tastes exactly like dairy cheese, but they all (or nearly all ;~) ) taste yummy, and cheese-like)!
Our recipe is very easy, but we are going to tell you right up front that it doesn’t make a stretchy mozzarella-style cheese. However, if you don’t care if your vegan mozzarella is stretchy, and if you just want it to be a bit melty and gooey on top of your pizza or in a grilled cheese, and fast and easy to make, then our recipe is the recipe for you!
Mockzarella on Pizza
Thank you! ❤️
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This recipe is very similar to our easy vegan sliceable cheese recipe, however the ingredients are a bit different.
A note about the ingredients: This recipe (as well as our easy vegan sliceable cheese recipe) calls for canned, unsweetened (full fat) coconut milk, and agar. Agar comes in both flake and powder form; it is basically a vegan gelatin substitute, made from seaweed. You should be able to find it at your local health food store, or you can order it here on Amazon.
A note about the process: Basically you are going to throw all of the ingredients in a saucepan, cook it for a short while, and pour it into whatever cheese mold you want to use. The cheese mold can be any glass bowl or container, or a silicone mold. We actually sometimes use our silicone butter stick mold when making sliceable cheese because it lets us make perfect cracker-sized slices. :~) This is the butter stick mold that we use:
Mockzarella Grilled Cheese
Super Easy Vegan Mockzarella Cheese Recipe
1 can (13.5 ounces) unsweetened coconut milk (not a ‘light’ version) – we use the Thai Kitchen organic coconut milk from Costco (6 cans for under $10!)
1/2 cup water
2 Tablespoons agar powder or 6 tablespoons agar flakes
2 teaspoons tapioca starch
1 teaspoon white or rice wine vinegar
2 Tablespoons nutritional yeast
1/2 teaspoon salt
Place all ingredients except the agar in a medium saucepan, and whisk until fully mixed. Then mix in the agar, and turn the stove on to medium.
Bring mixture to a slow boil, whisking constantly, then turn the heat down so that the mixture just simmers, and continue whisking for 5 minutes.
Remove from heat, and pour into your cheese mold. Refrigerate until firm (which doesn’t take very long!) Then slice off as much as you need for your sandwiches, crackers, or pizza!
Open-Face Toasted Mockzarella Cheese Sandwich
To use for pizza, place slices of your mockzarella on your pizza just before putting it in the oven.
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