Our Super-Easy No-Yeast Gluten-Free Vegan Bread Recipe is Great for Sandwiches Too!

Our Super-Easy No-Yeast Gluten-Free Vegan Bread Recipe is Great for Sandwiches Too!
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Our gluten-free vegan bread recipe is mwah! (chef’s kiss) Perfection! In fact if you have basically given up trying to make gluten-free vegan bread at home, and resigned yourself to having to buy it (at $10 a loaf, no less), we beseech you to give our recipe that one last try. You won’t be disappointed, we promise.

Just use our special link which has the discount embedded right in it!

Made with primarily with almond flour, cut with a bit of coconut flour, this hearty loaf is so easy to make, and it slices beautifully for sandwiches! It’s delicious, customizable (for example throw in some caraway seeds for a deli rye experience), sandwichable (look ma, we just invented a word!), and nearly fool proof! In fact, it’s the only bread we have now! So long gluten-free bread mixes that don’t even work! Buh bye expensive store-bought cardboard bread! The Happy Gluten-Free Vegan’s homemade gluten-free vegan bread is true gluten-free vegan happiness.

So why the “Too” in the title? Well, because the bread that this recipe makes is great for slathering with vegan butter, or peanut butter or almond butter, and even for dunking in soup! And it holds up to toasting! (Although when it’s toasted it doesn’t seem to get very dark other than around the edges). You see it’s a very versatile bread! But we couldn’t fit all of that in the title, and we wanted folks to know that the bread was good for sandwiches (as a lot of gluten-free vegan bread isn’t so great for that), but also so much more. So yeah, we took a little literary style license with this title, for which we hope you will forgive us now that you know our reason. :~)

Now, we need to give credit where credit is due (as we always try to do): the inspiration for this bread was SweetAsHoney’s keto low-carb bread. Then we changed and folded and mixed and stirred and tinkered, and came up with our own recipe which we think is perfect, and we bet that you will too.

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Super-Easy No-Yeast Gluten-Free Vegan Bread Recipe


2.5 cups almond flour (we of course use the almond flour from Costco, although if anyone has a good source for organic almond flour please drop us a note!)
1/2 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup minus two teaspoons psyllium powder
1/3 cup ground flax seeds (also known as flax meal – either golden or brown, it doesn’t matter)
1 Tablespoon baking powder
1.5 teaspoons salt
2 cups tepid water – see hint in directions
2 Tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon ACV (apple cider vinegar)


Take a standard-size bread loaf pan (~9 x 5) and line it with a 12×16 sheet of parchment paper (this is the one that we use). You want to use this size so that there is plenty hanging over the edge. Spray the parchment paper lightly with cooking spray (we use either olive oil spray or coconut oil spray) and set aside.

Lined Pan
the best yeast free gluten-free vegan bread recipe - pan lined with parchment paper

In a large mixing bowl place the two flours, the psyllium, the ground flax, the baking powder, and the salt (in other words all of the dry ingredients). Use a whisk to get it fully mixed.

Now make a well in the center of the mixture.

Make your tepid / luke warm water (did you know that ‘lukewarm’ and ‘tepid’ mean the exact same thing in terms of temperature? “Lukewarm is water that has cooled down to a moderate temperature, while tepid is water that has warmed up to a moderate temperature,” at least according to Quora).

Here’s an easy way to get your 2 cups of tepid water: put 2 cups of room temperature water in a 2-cup measuring cup or other container. Now boil some water in a tea kettle or in the microwave (in a different container), and add the tiniest bit of boiling water to your room temperature water. Test it by sticking your finger in it. You’ll be amazed at how little boiling water it takes to turn two cups of room temperature water lukewarm. Remove the same amount of water as you added, so as to bring the volume back down to two cups, and voila! Two cups of lukewarm/tepid water!

Pour the olive oil into the well in the center of the dry ingredients. Next pour your two cups of luketepid water into the well (the well will overflow, that’s fine). Finally add the 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.

Mix the mixture very well until you can squish it together as a dough (we love our dough whisk for this purpose, it’s incredible! This is the one that we have).

Dough Whisk

dough whisk

Once the mixture has come together as a dough dig your hands in there and knead the dough for two minutes, right in the bowl.

Now shape the dough into a loaf, and put it in the prepared pan.

easy no-yeast gluten-free vegan homemade bread recipe

Cover the dough with a clean cloth and let it rest for 10 minutes.

While you are letting the dough rest preheat your oven to 385°.

Once the oven is preheated, and the ten minutes is up, put the bread in the oven and bake it for 75 minutes (also known as an hour and a quarter).

When the time is up remove the bread from the oven, remove it from the pan (using the parchment paper as a sling because that pan and that bread is hot!), and place the bread directly on a cooling rack (without the parchment paper) and let cool completely. (Ok, you can cheat and cut the ends off if you want warm bread and butter! But the center needs to cool down to set.)

Once the bread is cool store it in the refrigerator wrapped in foil, either whole or pre-sliced.

Our Super-Easy No-Yeast Gluten-Free Vegan Bread Recipe is Great for Sandwiches Too!

Our Super-Easy No-Yeast Gluten-Free Vegan Bread Recipe is Great for Sandwiches Too!

gluten-free vegan roast beef sandwich

After you make this please come back and let us know what you thought!


 The Happy Gluten-Free Vegan is always free, with no annoying ads or video pops, but it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep it going (over 12 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are VERY appreciated. Receipts will come from ISIPP.

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4 thoughts on “Our Super-Easy No-Yeast Gluten-Free Vegan Bread Recipe is Great for Sandwiches Too!

  1. I have a wide selection of flours for gluten-free vegan baking. I generally stick with Anthony’s Organics. I get them from Amazon. Good quality, fair prices. I would highly recommend them. Specifically, they have organic almond flour, which I’m using for trying this recipe. The bread is in the oven now. I’ll leave comments later.

    [I am not affiliated with Anthony’s in any way, and get no benefit from recommending them.]

  2. I have all of the ingredients for this bread and I’m planning to try it out this weekend. I’m curious about the purpose of kneading if there is no gluten. Why knead? Also, can you explain the reason for the 10 minute rest period? I’m one of those annoying people that constantly ask WHY, so the curiosity is killing me.

    Thanks for the recipe. I’ll let you know how it turns out!;

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