Super-Easy 3-Ingredient Vegan Calcium Snack!

Super-Easy 3-Ingredient Vegan Calcium Snack!
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This snack is incredibly high calcium (467mg of calcium!), and yummy (we think at least), and also high protein! Coming in at just 220 calories, what more could you want, especially from just three ingredients? Now, we do have to say up front that it uses very specific ingredients, and that one of them is Orgain vegan organic protein powder. So, if you’re not into that you may want to skip this ‘recipe’, and that’s ok too.

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The key to this is the So Delicious brand of coconut yogurt. Even though it doesn’t say ‘organic’ or have the ‘organic’ icon, it is made from organic coconuts (says so right in the ingredients)! And it has 130mg of calcium per quarter cup! We have no idea how they do that (there doesn’t seem to be any fortification going on), but we’re not complaining!

(By the way, we also use the So Delicious plain yogurt in place of sour cream on baked potatoes, and in chip dip, and it’s awesome!)

Then, did you know that molasses is high in calcium? The molasses that we use, Wholesome brand organic unsulphured molasses) has 117mg of calcium per tablespoon!

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A few words about molasses from Southern Living (we looked it up because we were curious ourselves). Molasses is “made during the sugar-making process. First, the sugar cane is crushed and the juice is extracted. The juice is then boiled to form sugar crystals and removed from the liquid. The thick, brown syrup left after removing the sugar from the juice is molasses. This process is repeated several times to produce a different type of molasses each time.

Unlike refined sugar, molasses contains some vitamins and minerals. One tablespoon contains almost 60 calories with 15 grams of sugar. The key nutrients found in molasses include iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

Sulphured molasses is just that—molasses treated with sulfur dioxide as a preservative. Also, to make it taste more like a mature cane, Sulfur is added when processing young sugar cane. This process can leave the syrup with a strong, chemical flavor, so most people prefer the cleaner, sweeter taste of unsulphured molasses. Most commercial brands in grocery stores will be the unsulphured type.”

Interesting, right? Well, we think so at least. We think that any day that we learn something new is a good day!

Finally, the Orgain has 90mg of calcium.

We use a half-cup of the yogurt (so 260mg of calcium), which along with the 117mg of calcium from the molasses and the 90mg of calcium from the Orgain gets you to 467mg of calcium!

Plus the 20gr of protein from the Orgain!

Of course, it’s sort of hard to call this a recipe, but whatever you want to call it, here it is!

Super-Easy 3-Ingredient Vegan Calcium Snack!


1/2 cup So Delicious plain coconut yogurt
1 serving (2 scoops) Orgain protein powder, chocolate or vanilla
1 Tablespoon molasses

Mix together in a bowl and eat. :~)

Super-Easy 3-Ingredient Vegan Calcium Snack!

Super-Easy 3-Ingredient Vegan Calcium Snack orgain yogurt molasses

 The Happy Gluten-Free Vegan is always free, with no annoying ads or video pops, but it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep it going (over 12 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are VERY appreciated. Receipts will come from ISIPP.

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