Category: Vegan Ninja Creami
Easy Vegan Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL) Ice Cream – Ninja Creami Friendly
It’s almost pumpkin spice season, and it’s definitely ice cream season, so we figured we’d get ahead of things and give you our new vegan pumpkin spice latte ice cream recipe now! Of course, if you don’t like the “latte” part you can always just leave out the coffee!
Vegan Rose Cardamom Ice Cream Recipe in the Ninja Creami
Our vegan rose cardamom ice cream recipe was done in our Ninja Creami, but of course you can use it with any other ice cream maker or ice cream making method! You will not believe how incredible this ice cream is, it’s quickly become one of our two favourite ice cream recipes, so far. (The other is our Lapsang Souchong ice cream, which we will post soon, we promise!)
Will it Creami? With Pictures! Read What Worked and What Didn’t Including Tofu, Overnight Oats, Laird Creamer, Canned Tomatoes, Canned Peaches, Canned Pineapple, and Much More!
Did you know that there are some things that you can just dump into your Ninja Creami with no extra preparation?! It’s true! Things like premade vegan pudding, Orgain protein shakes, boxed silken tofu, Laird superfood creamer, Oats Overnight, Bird’s custard, applesauce, canned peaches, canned pineapple, canned tomatoes, and even canned corn can all be frozen and made into ice cream!
Will it Creami? Vegan Chocolate Pudding Cups
This is part of our “Will it Creami?” series, in which we dump something in the Ninja Creami and see if it will turn into an edible ice cream, sorbet, or other divine frozen concoction! In this episode we try dumping premade vegan chocolate pudding into the Creami container, freezing it, and “spinning” (i.e. churning) it. In fact, it was the first thing we tried for “Will it Creami?”
Our Ninja Creami Quickstart Guide for Getting Started with the Ninja Creami
Did you know that the Ninja Creami (pronounced “Ninja Creamy”) ice cream maker is awesome for vegans? If you have a Ninja Creami languishing, barely used on your counter, or maybe even hidden away unused in a closet, this is the Ninja Creami quick start guide for you!
Will it Creami? Amazing 3-Ingredient Silken Tofu Vegan Vanilla Ice Cream
As we have dedicated our explorations with our new Ninja Creami to lazy vegans everywhere, we have determined to discover as many “dump and freeze” things as we can, giving rise to our “Will it Creami?” series of posts and recipes. Today we are turning our attention to that unsung hero of the tofu world, the shelf-stable silken tofu. We can just hear you now: “Tofu in ice cream??” Yes, our pretties, tofu not only in ice cream, but tofu as ice cream! We promise that it will blow your mind, because it’s actually deeeelicious!
The Lazy Vegan’s Guide to the Ninja Creami: We Explain Where Are the Fill Lines and How Hot Should the Hot Water be for Slushies?
In case you’re not familiar with the Ninja Creami, it works a bit differently from other home ice cream makers. With many home ice cream makers you have to freeze a relatively large, double-walled metal bowl, then put your ingredients in and process it. Of course, you still need your ingredients to be frozen with the Creami, but instead of having to freeze a big old bowl, which you will need to refreeze after you use it before you can make more ice cream, the Creami ingeniously has you freeze your ingredients right in the pint (or “larger pint”, depending on which model you get) containers in which you will blend and also store your frozen confections. This also means that you can have several in your freezer, pre-frozen and ready to go! Brilliant!!