These gluten-free vegan peanut butter bacon protein balls are a great vegan alternative to the protein truffles MyProtein offers. While the protein truffles MyProtein features seem to be all the rage, they are not only not vegan, but by all accounts they don’t even taste that good. On the other hand, our vegan peanut butter bacon truffles are delicious! They are also super easy to make, and the truffles (balls) themselves have only 3 ingredients, all available at Costco, or any major grocery store, or even on Amazon: peanut butter, protein powder, and peanut butter powder.
Just use our special link which has the discount embedded right in it!
A note about the “truffle” / “ball” thing: in our world the distinction between truffles (the candy, not the mushrooms) and balls is that truffles are always soft and smooth, and easy yummies into which to sink your teeth. Balls can be chunky, balls can be really firm or even hard. Here at the Happy Gluten-Free Vegan all truffles are also balls, but not all balls are truffles. :~)
The vegan bacon goes on the outside as garnish, and you could even leave it off altogether, but then they would be “peanut butter protein truffles”, not “peanut butter bacon protein truffles”. :~) We happen to think that the addition of the vegan bacon – that juxtaposition of sweet, smooth peanut butter truffle with crunchy salty bacon – is what makes these so special and delicious, and we’re sure that you will too.
Go here for our vegan bacon recipe to use on your peanut butter bacon protein truffles.
Thank you! ❤️
*Receipts will come from ISIPP.
As we mentioned, you can get all three main ingredients (the ingredients that go into the actual truffle balls) at Costco, or on Amazon, or at many grocery stores. We get them at Costco, but you can see the peanut butter powder and the protein powder that we use here on Amazon: defatted peanut butter powder and vanilla protein powder. Of course you can use whatever brand of peanut butter you want.
Awesome Vegan Peanut Butter Bacon Protein Truffles
1 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup peanut butter powder (available here on Amazon if you can’t get to a Costco or your grocery store doesn’t carry it)
1/2 cup vanilla protein powder (we use this Orgain Vanilla superfoods powder, you don’t have to but your truffles may taste different or have a different texture)
About 1/2 cup of our vegan bacon recipe or other vegan bacon, crushed into small pieces
Place the peanut butter in a food processor along with the peanut butter powder. Process until smooth. Stop the processor and sprinkle the protein powder in over the peanut butter / peanut butter powder mixture. Turn the processor back on and process until it forms a smooth dough ball.
While it’s processing put the vegan bacon pieces in a small bowl.
Remove the ball of dough from the food processor, and break off a piece of dough and roll it into a ball approximately 1-inch in diameter. Repeat with the rest of the dough.
Press the top of each truffle gently into the bacon pieces and then set upright in an airtight container in a single layer (do not stack).
Store in the refrigerator.
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