Great Gluten-Free Vegan Veggie Hot Dogs – a Review Series from the Happy Gluten-Free Vegan

Sweet Earth Vegan Gluten-Free Hot Dogs Review
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The winner of the best vegan hot dogs is…. There are a total of three brands of gluten-free vegan hot dogs or gluten-free veggie hot dogs (a/k/a frankfurters or franks) on the market right now (Lightlife are not fully gluten-free): Sweet Earth vegan hot dogs (which are gluten-free by chance), Moving Mountains vegan hot dogs (also gluten-free by chance, not as an intention), and Yeah Dawg, which are not only vegan but also gluten-free by design. In this review series we will review each of them one at a time, giving our impression of them (taste, texture, ease of cooking, etc.). We’d love to know what you think of them too. (Side note: Why the heck do so many vegan things have to have gluten in them?? :~( )

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Of the three, Sweet Earth is the only one that is widely available in grocery stores. Moving Mountains is a product out of the UK, however you can also order it on the Costco website (<-- not an affiliate link) in a pack of 32 hot dogs which will be shipped to you on dry ice. Yeah Dawg is available at some specialty shops in some states (California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Massachutts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington) and online at their website (<-- also not an affiliate link), where you can also see the list of stores that carry them.

There used to be a fourth vegan, gluten-free hot dog, called Tofu Pups, but those were discontinued when the brand, Lightlife, revamped the line, replacing the Tofu Pups with their LightLife Smart Dogs and their Lightlife Jumbo Smart Dogs, which may or may not be gluten-free. On the Lightlife website neither the ingredients for the Smart Dogs, nor the ingredients for the Jumbo Smart Dogs, list gluten or wheat. However, at least some of the Lightlife packages list vital wheat gluten, as do the ingredients lists on the websites of the stores that sell the product. If we had to guess, we’d guess that maybe Lightlife is phasing out the gluten, but that there is still stock in the stores that contains gluten. The thing is, when it comes to your health you can’t afford to just guess.

We reached out to Lightlife about this, and received this response from them: “Read before you buy In United States, common allergens and gluten sources must always be clearly declared on food labels when present as ingredients or components of ingredients. They will appear in the ingredient list or in a “Contains” statement located immediately after the ingredient list. We are working on bringing back the wheat free Smart Dogs! Keep an eye out on the shelves for them – but make sure to check the ingredients first to be sure of which pack you have!”

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Lifelife Vegan “Smart Dog” Hot Dogs Ingredients List
lightlife smart dog ingredients

We start our reviews with our review of the Moving Mountains gluten-free vegan hot dogs, which you can get online from Costco. We then follow it with our review of the Sweet Earth vegan gluten-free hot dogs. Next comes our review of the Yeah Dawg hot dogs, and finally we wrap it all up with the recipe for our own homemade vegan hot dogs that we call our “Not Dogs” vegan hot dog recipe.

Of the three commercially available brands, we have to say, now that we know how to cook them, we like the Moving Mountains vegan hotdogs the best!

Sweet Earth Vegan Gluten-Free Hot Dogs Review

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