Here’s a really easy Thanksgiving dessert, in fact it may be the queen of easy Thanksgiving recipes! And if you’re wondering what to do with those leftover sweet potatoes or with that can of sweet potato or pumpkin puree, this is it! Our sweet potato or pumpkin chia pudding is the perfect last minute addition to any table (Thanksgiving, breakfast, after dinner, you name it) and the perfect way to use up those sweet potatoes!
Just use our special coupon code HAPPYGFVEGAN at the V-Dog website!
Not only that, but our recipe is jam-packed with good-for-you ingredients (but no jam.. hrrm… where does that saying come from, anyways? (search, search).. ah, according to StackExchange, “jam-packed” was first used in the Cardiff Evening Express in 1892, by someone reporting on a show, saying “I turned in last night at the Park-hall the place was jam-packed — a word specially coined for a special occasion, and the heat was suffocating.” (“The Happy Gluten-Free Vegan, serving up recipes, and the occasional history and language lesson, since 2011”.. hey! We just realized that this summer marked the 10 year anniversary of the HGFV! Happy anniversary to us!). But we digress (wildly)…
As we were saying, this recipe is chock full (argh… (search, search), which Wiktionary tells us is “from Middle English chokkeful (“crammed full”), possibly from choke (“cheek”) (see cheek (n.)), equivalent to cheek + full. Or it may be from Old French choquier “collide, crash, hit” [similar to shock]. Middle English chokkeful already had the same meaning as modern chock-full”).. let’s try this again…
This recipe has a lot of ingredients that are really good for you! (There!) In addition to the sweet potatoes or pumpkin (good for you) it has coconut milk (good for you), almond milk (good for you) and chia seeds (darned good for you!)
Thank you! ❤️
*Receipts will come from ISIPP.
If you haven’t ever made a chia pudding, well, prepare to be surprised at how incredibly easy it is! Chia seeds have a high amount of a certain type of soluble fiber (technically called “mucilage”) which causes them to almost magically turn into gel when soaked in liquid. The mucilage allows the seeds to absorb up to 10x their weight in liquid!
Ok, that’s definitely enough sweet potato pudding academics for one day! Here’s the recipe.
Super-Easy Gluten-Free Vegan Sweet Potato or Pumpkin Chia Pudding
1/2 cup sweet potato or pumpkin puree
2 cups plant milk (we suggest you use almond milk or a mixture of almond and coconut milk)
1/2 cup chia seeds
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)
Place all ingredients in a mixing bowl. Mix well with a hand mixer (remember those?) You can also use a whisk, or even a KitchenAid mixer. You can also blend this in a high-speed blender, but then you miss out on the cool texture of traditional chia pudding. Because we’ve been in an old-school mood when it comes to food prep, we used our hand mixer.
Pour into individual pudding bowls, and refrigerate for at least one hour. Serve plain or topped with vegan whipped topping, or a sprinkle of nutmeg or cinnamon.
Sweet Potato Chia Pudding
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