Do you have a crisper full of vegetables? We usually have more than we can eat, and we hate to just let them go to waste. Nothing sadder than throwing away wilted vegetables — well, for a chef, anyway.
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Also, we love to make soup. So much, in fact, that we often discover that we’ve used our final drop of store-bought vegetable broth (also called “stock”) on our last batch of soup. Rather than run to the store for one item, it’s so much easier — and more fun — to make your own broth from scratch.
Each batch will turn out a bit different, depending upon which vegetables you use. Our recipe is fairly basic, but you can make it fancier with the addition of potato peels, fresh herbs, asparagus ends, bay leaves, etc. You’re limited only by your imagination! And you’ll feel virtuous, knowing that you’re not wasting food.
Vegan, Gluten-Free Vegetable Broth
Thank you! ❤️
*Receipts will come from ISIPP.
1/2 tablespoon olive oil
4 cups water
1/2 red onion
3 scallions
1 stalk celery, including leaves
1 carrot
4 minced garlic cloves
1 broccoli stem
1/2 bell pepper (any color will do)
1/2 tablespoon dried thyme
1/2 tablespoon dried dill
sea salt and ground black pepper to taste
Cut the vegetables into rough, 1-inch chunks. Don’t bother measuring them, as the size does not have to be exact.
Heat the olive oil in a soup pot. Pour in the garlic cloves, bell pepper, celery, carrots, onion, scallions, and thyme. This is also the time to add any fresh herbs you might desire, as well as additional vegetables of your choice. Get creative! Simmer the contents on a high heat setting for about 5-10 minutes.
Pour in the water, then season with the sea salt and pepper. Lower the heat and boil lightly for about half an hour. You’ll love the aroma that will fill your kitchen.
Remove the pot from the stove. Strain the vegetables and compost or discard them.
This recipe is good for about two batches of soup. You can use the broth, however, in any recipe that calls for it. We used it in our tomato soup recipe and were dazzled by the fresh flavor! Definitely much better than store-bought!
Naturally, you can refrigerate leftover broth for up to a week (but try to use it sooner) or freeze it for other recipes. You can easily double or triple the portions if you want to save batches for future soups.
Depending upon where you live, it might still be soup season, so you’ll get plenty of use from this vegetable broth! Enjoy!
The Happy Gluten-Free Vegan is always free, with no annoying ads or video pops, but it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep it going (over 12 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are VERY appreciated. Receipts will come from ISIPP.
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