Vegan Heavy Cream Alternative Recipe

vegan heavy cream
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This is our own recipe for vegan heavy cream (although to be sure many others have come up with similar recipes). This can be used as a vegan heavy cream substitute in a 1:1 ratio to veganize a recipe that calls for heavy cream. Since it contains just water and raw cashews, it is naturally vegan and gluten-free, and much better for you than regular heavy cream!

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Once you make it you can use it in so many ways! In fact, we have yet to find a cooked recipe that calls for heavy cream in which it doesn’t work, and it can work for many uncooked recipes as a heavy cream substitute as well. In fact, the only thing for which it won’t work, so far as we’ve been able to ascertain, is to make whipped cream; for homemade vegan whipped cream you will want to use this homemade vegan whipped cream recipe of ours.

In addition to being vegan and gluten-free, this vegan heavy cream recipe works for those following a raw food diet as well. Here’s the recipe.

Vegan Heavy Cream Alternative Recipe

1 cup of raw cashews (we always use organic)
2 – 4 cups of distilled or filtered water

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Start by soaking the cashews for an hour or two in water, enough to cover them completely. Then toss the cashews in a blender and keep adding water until it hits your desired creamy consistency. Use it in a 1:1 ratio in any recipe as you would regular cream. The rest can be frozen for a few months.


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