We really love making whatever we can from scratch, and this homemade vegan sour cream recipe is no exception. It’s so easy, and you know everything that goes into it – so no nasty preservatives or ingredients that you can’t have (in our case we can’t have potato starch, which is in a lot of commercial vegan cheeses and other dairy substitutes). Plus, you probably already have all of the ingredients at home (or at least most of them), which means it’s easy to whip up a batch of this vegan sour cream whenever you need it!
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For example, last night we were craving nachos. We ended up with a panful of delicious vegan nachos that we have dubbed Quarantine Nachos, and which included our homemade copycat Bitchin’ sauce, and our homemade copycat Good Foods queso dip. But there was something missing – ah yes, of course! Sour cream! What are nachos without sour cream! So we whipped up a batch of this vegan sour cream and it was perfection!
[Bonus hint: Did you know that you can freeze avocados whole, and then just defrost them when you need avocado? They will be somewhat mushy, so you can’t slice them, but they are perfect for guacamole!]
Of course, you can use this sour cream recipe in so many other ways, as well. Use it as a base for onion or ranch dip, layer it into our burrito casserole, or float a dollop of it in our colorful borscht! Really, the sky’s the limit!
Thank you! ❤️
*Receipts will come from ISIPP.
You will need a high speed blender to make this recipe. This recipe is at its very best if you can soak the cashews first, but you don’t have to. Soaking the cashews helps to make blended cashew recipes smoother and creamier. Even just soaking them for an hour can make a difference, although three to four hours is ideal.
Easy Homemade Vegan Sour Cream Recipe
1 cup raw cashews (soaked for a few hours if possible, but it’s not necessary, and even soaking for just an hour makes a difference)
1 Tablespoon white vinegar (can also use lemon juice if you don’t have white vinegar)
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
salt to taste
Drain the cashews if you have soaked them, and then put the cashews and everything else into your blender. Start the blender at low speed, and eventually turn the speed up until it’s going at full speed (you may need to stop a couple of times to scrape the sides down).
Stop and taste your sour cream, adding salt or a little more white vinegar if you think it needs it.
When it’s done, remove and serve, or refrigerate. As with so many things, it’s even better after it’s spent a night in the fridge!
Quarantine Nachos! What is better than vegan nachos with sour cream!?
The Happy Gluten-Free Vegan is always free, with no annoying ads or video pops, but it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep it going (over 12 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are VERY appreciated. Receipts will come from ISIPP.
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